Waimea High School
Ms. Mahina Anguay
Gayle Thompson
Keyk Capati
100% of Waimea HS students
graduate reading on or above grade level and are enrolled, employed, or enlisted. |
We exist to empower students and increase their opportunities for success. |
In SY 2020-21, Waimea High School continued its transition from a traditional, comprehensive high school to a wall to wall career academy school, focusing on pathways, activities, and experiences that will lead to high wage, high demand, and high skills careers for our students. We are also focused on providing opportunities for students to experience real life/authentic learning with our educational, community, and business partners by collaborating with the Kauai Economic Development Board. Through generous grants from the Hawaii Community and Castle Foundations, our students were able to earn industry-valued certifications such as OSHA, First Aid/CPR, and CERT this year.

Our two upper academies continue to work together and with our consultants to put processes in place so they too can earn Model Academy status within 3-5 years.
We have a new 4x4 bell schedule starting this year that allows students to focus on four classes each semester and earn up to eight credits each year. This schedule allows us to build in academic support classes as well as more Early College courses during the day for our students. In fact we enrolled our fi rst cohort of 9th graders who will graduate with their associates degree from Kauai Community College prior to receiving their Waimea High School diploma. Special programs include Early College free tuition courses across all content and CTE areas, Academy Ambassador program; JROTC; Cyber security national competition through JROTC; Summer Bridge transition classes for incoming 9th; evening tutoring 2x/week; and online Credit Recovery Program. We also started a new alternative learning program (ALPSS) for our most at-risk students that teams up our teachers with community and business partners. Alongside ALPSS, Waimea HS worked with McKinley School for Adults and started running GED classes in the evening on our campus twice a week.
WHS enjoys strong parent, alumni and community support and serves as the center of community life and attention on the Westside. Organizations such as the Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA), Menehune Booster Club (athletics), Band Boosters, Waimea Alumni and Friends Foundation (WAFF), and Project Graduation provide ongoing support for student activities, facility renewal, student recognition, and school improvement. For the fourth time in the last fi ve years, Waimea HS was awarded the HMSA Kaimana Award, which recognizes the school not only for athletic achievement but also for its academic achievements, sportsmanship, and contribution to the community. WHS’ Parent-Community Networking Center sponsors a variety of activities to involve parents, families and the community in the school’s mission, beliefs, practices, and prepping for post-high school success. Waimea HS received a $6000 grant from Scholastic to improve parent and community communication; our staff and parent group have been working diligently to implement the recommendations that their site visits and survey results are directing us to do.
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Western Association of Schools and Colleges - 6 Years |